(Kih rihg' muh)  Transliteration of a Greek term, which means both the act of preaching and the content of the preaching.

     It is primarily the ministry of proclaiming the acts of God and welcoming the presence of God more than the ability to speak in beautiful or eloquent words. It is persuasive because it is done in the Spirit and with power (1 Cor. 2:4).


My name is Mike A. Lade.

I have had the wonderful privilege to serve as a church planter, salesman, farmer, missionary, bible school teacher, truck driver, pastor, hunting guide, father and husband. I have served the Lord for over 20 years in vocational and bi-vocational ministry; in all that time I have discovered that God has made me for a specific purpose and particular calling…

He has made me to preach, teach & minister grace to His people.

When I was born again in 1986 I knew almost immediately that I was called into vocational ministry- to serve the Lord with my whole life.

I began preparing by earning a Bachelors Degree from LIFE  Pacific College in theology and pastoral ministry. It was during that time of intense download from the Holy Spirit, He gave me a passage of scripture to frame my life around; 1 Cor. 2:1-5 says,

“When I came to you, brothers, I did not come with eloquence or superior wisdom as I proclaimed to you the testimony about God. For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Christ and Him crucified. I came to you in weakness and fear, and with much trembling. My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, so that your faith might not rest on man’s wisdom, but on God’s power.”

Now, after a season of fasting and prayer God has confirmed anew His calling to go preach. I am giving myself to developing this new ministry called Kerygma. This is primarily a preaching and teaching ministry designed to:

· Proclaim the gospel in evangelistic settings

· Encourage the church in congregational and retreat  gatherings

· Equip the people to minister to their world through an ongoing bible school, seminars and workshops.

 With over 1000 sermons and messages preached, I can assure you that every message comes fresh from the Lord! For the Kerygma to really impact your people it must come fresh from heaven every time.

I would love the opportunity to share with your church or group testimonies of God’s extraordinary kindness and goodness, while stirring them to passionately serve Him with their whole lives.

It has been my experience, that when I preach people are impacted by the Holy Spirit. Many are impacted on the inside through conviction or a sense of God calling them to service. Others are powerfully touched in their minds and  bodies. Some are even healed or delivered from oppression by hell.

Having pastored a local church for many years I do understand the difficulty and concerns that go with bringing a new person into the ministry you have worked so hard to build and serve.

My commitment to you, is that I will come humbly and ready to serve both you and your congregation. I will not dishonor you. I will come with expectations of nothing more than a chance to serve. I only request that you receive an offering for me but I have no preset amount I require.  I will trust the Lord with you that He will supply all my needs.

My heart is for you! I am praying for God to open doors for me as I pursue His passion and will for my life. If you see a way that I might serve you and your congregation please let me know; I love the church! I want to see her come fully alive, be matured and catch fire as her Lord approaches!

My desire is that your church/ministry would be blessed and grow. I long to see the church come alive and be ignited by the Holy Spirit with passion for the lost and a hunger for God’s presence! To see your people healed, encouraged and empowered to carry the gospel with them wherever they go, is my hearts desire. I will serve you and your church/ministry to that end.



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